Learning Vue Talks

Despite my lack of posting here, I’ve been pretty busy in the community, having given a talk at a local meetup at least once a month for the first half of the year.

Back in February, I gave a talk about learning Vue.js, which did a pretty deep dive into how Vue works and how to write components in it. And just last month I was finally able to present part 2 of that talk as well, which reviewed some of the basics of Vue and then showed some examples of vue-router and vuex.

Both feature a fair bit of live coding, which is always fun (especially in front of about 70 people in that first talk). I also edited the videos together myself, which was something new.

I really enjoy talking about Vue, and I’m pretty happy with how both of these turned out. If you’re still learning Vue, there’s probably faster ways (Sarah Drasner’s 5 part intro is a great choice). But, give them a watch anyway.

Learning Vue - Part 1

Slides can be found here

Learning Vue - Part 2

Slides can be found here